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FamilyFirst Care Solutions - Return & Refund Policy


At FamilyFirst Care Solutions, we are committed to providing exceptional service to our clients. While our service involves the placement of sitters and nannies rather than physical products, we understand the importance of satisfaction in your caregiving experience.

  1. Satisfaction Guarantee:

    • We strive to match your family with the perfect caregiver, ensuring a positive and fulfilling relationship.

    • If, within the first month of your contract, you are not satisfied with your selected sitter or nanny, we offer a one-time opportunity to reevaluate your preferences and provide an alternative match at no additional cost.

  2. Match Reevaluation Period:

    • Our commitment to your satisfaction extends for up to one year from the start of your contract.

    • Should circumstances change, or if you find that the initial match is not ideal, you have the flexibility to request a new match within this period.

  3. Refund Process:

    • To initiate a refund, please contact our Customer Care team within the first month of your contract or during the match reevaluation period.

    • In the event of a request for a refund, we calculate the time and money already invested in your case. The refund amount will then be determined by deducting the incurred costs from the full price paid, ensuring transparency and fairness. This approach allows us to account for the resources dedicated to your caregiver search while providing you with a clear and straightforward refund process.

    • Refunds necessitate an in-depth explanation (minimum 50 words) outlining the reasons for your request, helping us understand and address your concerns comprehensively.

  4. Continued Support:

    • Throughout the match reevaluation period, our team is dedicated to addressing any concerns, making adjustments, and providing ongoing support to ensure a harmonious caregiving experience for your family.

Note: Once a match is secured, there is no refund available. However, we remain committed to finding an alternative caregiver if the initially selected one is not to your liking. In situations where a refund is not applicable, we reserve the right to no refund.

We appreciate your trust in FamilyFirst Care Solutions, and we are committed to making your caregiving experience a positive and rewarding one. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Care team.

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